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A grant is a type of financial assistance that helps cover the cost of attendance at a college or university and, unlike student loans, typically does not require the student to pay back the financial award in the future. A variety of grants are available to qualifying students at Northshore Technical Community College.

Grants are managed and awarded by NTCC's Financial Aid Office.

FAFSA School Code: 006756

Types of Grants at NTCC:

View the list of available grant options at NTCC below for more information.

Pell Grants

NTCC awards Federal Pell Grants to eligible undergraduate students based on their Cost of Attendance (COA), Expected Family Contribution (EFC), total percentage of Pell already received, and enrollment status. The Pell Grant is initially based on full-time enrollment. The initial awards posted on LOLA are posted for the Pell grant amount for 12 hour enrollment. Once registration has been finalized, Pell Grants will be adjusted to reflect the correct Pell grant amount based on the actual number of hours enrolled. A student must complete the FAFSA (Free Applization for Federal Student Assistance).  More information about the Pell Grant is available on the StudentAid website.

Experimental Second Chance Pell: The U.S. Department of Education announced Northshore Technical Community College is included in the expansion of the Second Chance Pell Experimental Sites Initiative to provide need-based Pell grants to people in state and federal prisons. Currently, there are 63 colleges that teach in 26 states participating in Second Chance Pell; this second cohort of 67 new schools will bring the total to 130 colleges in 42 states and the District of Columbia.


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program is to provide grants to students who demonstrate a calculated financial need. Unlike Pell Grants, there’s no guarantee every eligible student will receive the grant due to limited funding. The amount of FSEOG a student receives depends not only on his/her financial need but on the amount of other aid the student receives and the availability of funds at NTCC.  More information about FSEOG is available on the website.

GO Grant

The Louisiana Go Grant is a need-based financial aid program aimed at making college more affordable for non-traditional and low to moderate income students. Louisiana resident students who are eligible for and receive the federal Pell Grant may also be eligible for a Go Grant. The grant helps cover the difference between the actual cost of attending a public or private college in Louisiana and the amount of a student’s Pell Grant award.

How to Apply:

The application process for grants is managed through NTCC's Financial Aid Office. For more information about Financial Aid and steps for applying, visit the Financial Aid home page.

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