Chancellor's Office
Messages from the Chancellor
Tweets from the Chancellor
Chancellor: Dr. Jim Carlson, Ed.D.
Dr. Jim Carlson has 25 years of higher education experience in various roles as a faculty member and administrator. He previously held the title of Vice Chancellor of Strategic Initiatives & External Affairs at Northshore Technical Community College (NTCC), where he oversees Advancement, Workforce, Adult Education, YouthBuild, Public Relations, STEM Outreach, Testing Services, Grants, and Professional Development. From October 1, 2020, to May 31, 2022, Carlson served as the Acting Chancellor and Interim Chancellor at River Parishes Community College in Gonzales, LA. His preceding positions at NTCC were Dean of Academics, Associate Provost of Academics, and Dean of Campus Administration. He began his higher education career in 1998, first as an Instructor of Speech Communication at Jones County Junior College in Ellisville, Mississippi, and then as an Assistant Professor and Department Chair at Baton Rouge Community College. Prior to coming to NTCC, Jim served six years as the Director of Chapter Relations at the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Dr. Carlson and his wife, Jessica, reside in Mandeville.
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