Student Organizations
Northshore Technical Community College provides opportunities for students to engage in activities outside of the classroom for further development of their educational purpose.
- Phi Theta Kappa
- SkillsUSA
- STEM Club
- Student Government Association (SGA)
- Student Nursing Association
- National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)
- Vet Tech Club: Student Chapter of the National Assoc of Veterinary Technicians in America (SCNAVTA)
How to Start a Student Organization at NTCC
Students may petition to have a new student organization recognized. Requirements include (but are not limited to) a minimum of ten interested student signatures, an identified advisor, and an organization constitution. Students interested in starting a student organization should submit a "Student Petition for Formation of an Organization" to the Dean of Students.
As an organization on campus, your group will have the opportunity and responsibility to positively impact the whole student body by your productivity. Also, as leaders on campus, you will have the responsibility of representing Northshore Technical Community College on and off campus. With great leadership comes great responsibility! Being a part of an organization will no doubt be one of the most positive experiences that you will have here at Northshore Technical Community College.
The privileges of using the college name and facilities cannot be extended without careful thought. The areas that will be examined before a club or an organization can be formed are: the objectives and purpose in organizing, the relevance of the group to the college and community scene, and the way in which you have gone about the steps leading to recognition as an official student organization within Northshore Technical Community College.
The Dean of Students asks that these steps are followed in order to become a recognized organization. If you need any assistance, the Dean of Students will be more than happy to help you along the way.
- Talk to other students to see if there is a reasonable amount of interest for the proposed group. If it is a course-related club, be sure to contact students taking that particular course.
- Contact a full-time Northshore Technical Community College faculty, staff or administrator who may have an interest in the group and will serve as an advisor. An advisor is needed to help with the details of organizing the group and carrying out the long-term goals of the organization.
- Schedule an organizational meeting with the advisor. The advisor can assist you in reserving a space for the meeting and the publicizing of the meeting through fliers and posters, but make sure to get them approved through the Campus Dean..
- Hold your meeting! Secure the signatures of at least 10 interested students and complete the “Petition for Formation.”
- Get your members together and form a constitution. If you have questions about how to form a constitution, Dean of Students can give you tips and a sample constitution to base yours on.
After working with the advisor, other prospective members of your club, and the Dean of Students, submit the “Petition for Formation”, membership list, and constitution to Dean of Students for review and approval.
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