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Adult Education

WorkReadyU, HiSET, ESL/ELA/EL Civics

The Northshore Technical Community College WorkReady U - Adult Education Department provides adult education and literacy services to our citizens across the Northshore region. A dedicated team of instructors prepare students for the HiSET exam to earn their high school equivalency diploma and improve skills for college and career pathways. We have learning centers across the Northshore providing a variety of class times. Additionally, we provide English as a Second Language classes at our locations in Hammond and Lacombe. Our FREE classes are offered to qualified students at our locations in Covington, Franklinton, Greensburg, Hammond, Lacombe, Slidell, Lacombe, Hammond, Greensburg, Bogalusa, and Franklinton.

It is time to take that next step on your journey and we are ready to help you find success and achieve your goals.


Fall 2024 

Greetings and welcome to our upcoming Adult Education orientation sessions! Orientations will begin on August 19, 2024. 

If you are 16 or 17 years old arrive by 7:45 am It's essential to have a signed, approved age waiver from your K-12 school system on the day of registration and to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. (Note, parents or guardians will be released at 8:30 am, the student will remain.)  For those 18 years and older, please arrive before your scheduled start time of 8:30 am. Make sure to bring a photo ID or passport ID.

Everyone is expected to stay for the entire day, with a departure time of around 4:00 p.m. To get started, please fill out the pre-registration link here: NTCC WRU Pre-Registration . Following this, you'll receive a follow-up email containing a registration form where you can choose the date and location that best suits you. We're here to support you at every step, and we look forward to helping you embark on this educational journey

Daytime Orientation Schedule
(Bogalusa, Hammond, Lacombe, Greensburg, Slidell)

Month Option A Option B
August  19th 20th
October 14th 15th


Additionally, for those who prefer evening classes, our Evening Adult Education orientation is designed to accommodate your schedule. Recognizing time constraints, the night orientation is a two-evening process, and it’s crucial to attend both nights to complete the orientation process fully. Please note that attending only one night is not sufficient for enrollment.

Evening orientations are scheduled based on the campus/site location. Orientations will begin at 4:30 pm at most sites. To be eligible for evening orientation, students must be 18 years old or older. Don’t forget to bring your photo ID or passport for verification purposes. We understand the importance of having multiple options, and we’re here to support your educational journey in the way that suits you best.

Evening Orientation Schedule August & October 2024
(Future Dates TBD- Check back in August 2024)
(Covington, Franklinton, Hammond, Kentwood, Lacombe, Slidell)

Dates Aug. 2024 Oct. 2024

20th & 22nd

15th & 17th

franklinton 20th & 22nd 15th & 17th
hammond N/A 15th & 17th
kentwood 20th & 22nd 15th & 17th
lacombe 20th & 22nd 15th & 17th 
Slidell 19th & 21st 14th & 16th


Summer 2024

 The Summer 2024 session has ended. 

Ready to Enroll?

 All students will complete a pre-registration intake form. You may receive up to three emails during the sign up process. If you are unable to complete the pre-registration form online, please contact our classrooms after  August 14, 2024 at the locations listed below to complete a computer-based enrollment form in person on  most Friday mornings  from 8:30 am - 10:30 am. 

Pre-Registration Assistance
St. Tammany Slidell Instructional Site 61134 N. Military Road, Slidell, LA  (985) 545-1602
Tangipahoa Hammond Area Campus 111 Pride Drive, Hammond, LA  (985) 545-1528
St. Helena Florida Parishes Campus 7067 Hwy 10, Greensburg, LA (985) 545-1730
Washington Sullivan Campus 1710 Sullivan Drive, Bogalusa, LA (985) 545-1426

If you need additional assistance, please contact one of the numbers below and leave a detailed message that includes your name, age, intended date of enrollment, and intended enrollment site and someone will follow up with you. 

Call:  (985) 545-1601 or (985) 545-1529

GEAUX: All Students may pre-register by clicking on NTCC WRU Pre-Registration
 ** Important Notice: The State of Louisiana requires all 16 or 17 year old students to present an approved age waiver (AWR 2) at the time of enrollment or present a certificate or letter of completion from the Youth Challenge Program. Age waivers may be requested from the local school board office. An age waiver may be approved or denied by the school board office. If an age waiver is denied, please contact us to discuss the appeals process. 


Services Available: 

  • Adult Education, Literacy, and HiSET Prep
  • ESL/ELA/ ENGLISH) Classes
  • College Pathways & Integrated Education & Training
  • NTCC Adult Ed Online (Coming October 2024)
  • Career Waves 2
  • Career Waves 1



For more information, email

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