Title IX and Power Based Violence
Equal Opportunity Statement
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Interim Policy on Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Discrimination, NTCC upholds the following policy:
NTCC is an equal opportunity institution and is dedicated to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment or training. Qualified students, applicants, or employees will not be excluded from any course or activity because of age, race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability. All students have equal rights to counseling and training. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies:
Northshore Technical Community College, Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Frank Fudesco
Phone: 985-545-1239
Email: frankfudesco@northshorecollege.edu
Power Based Violence Statement
Title IX and PBV Reporting
To report alleged campus Title IX and/or Power Based Violenece offenses or to speak with someone further about our campus policy, you may scan the QR code or click on the link provided below. If you need immediate support or guidance, please reach out to a Confidential Advisor at your NTCC campus location. NTCC has a student judicial process for incidents of misconduct involving NTCC students.
Confidential Advisors by Location
Sullivan Campus and Rayborn Correctional Facility
Crystal Fortenberry
Student Success Coach
Florida Parishes Campus
Ginny McElveen
Student Success Coach
Hammond Area Campus
Kayla Cooper
Student Success Coach and Student Services Coordinator
Connect to Success Program (SLU)
Kayla Cooper
Student Success Coach and Student Services Coordinator
Lacombe Campus
Danaty Moses
Success Coach and Student Services Coordinator
Livingston Campus
Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Frank Fudesco
Interim Dean of Student Affairs
Title IX Deputy
Christi Brown
Director of Human Resources
Title IX Investigator
Beth Froeba
Director of Accessibility and Mental Health
Title IX Hearing Officer
Remy Williams
Asistant Director of Student Affairs (Sullivan)
Title IX Training Materials
ATIXA Training Materials
LCTCS Training Materials
Confidential Advisor Training
Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Program
Northshore Technical Community College is committed to creating an environment free of sexual violence. The College strives to achieve this goal through prevention and promotion, awareness, survivor support, due process procedures, and referrals to law enforcement. In accordance with the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE Act) and 2013 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the College is actively working to increase transparency about the scope of sexual violence on campus, guarantee survivors enhanced rights, and provide College-wide prevention educational programming.
Click the link below to view information on our Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Program policy:
Student Grievance
Students who have reported a Title IX or PBV concern can file a Grievance with the college if they feel they did not receive a fair and equitable review of their claim. Student Grivances can be submitted to the Student Affairs office or the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion (christymontgomery@northshorecollege.edu). The Grievance policy and Grievance form are provided below:
- Academic Advising
- Academic Calendar
- Accessibility Services
- Career Services
- Catalog & Handbook
- Computer Labs (BookIt)
- Enrollment & Degree Verifications
- Financial Aid
- Graduation & Commencement
- Learning Commons & Library
- Paying for College
- Policies & Offices
- Register for Courses
- Student Forms
- Student Organizations
- Student Resource Counseling Support
- Student Success Coaching
- Technology Support
- Testing Services
- Textbooks & Gator Bookstore
- Transcript Request
- Tutoring Support
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