5 Step Process for University Transfer
Are you planning to transfer to a university but are unsure how to make it happen? Review the 5 Steps below to successfully transfer to a university.
As a student at Northshore Technical Community College, you have endless opportunities for continuing your education towards a bachelor’s degree and beyond. Your first step in the transfer process is to do your research. Which university and which program is the best fit for you? Some of your considerations should include:
Cost/Value: How much will it cost to attend the university compared to the value you feel you'll get from the experience? What types of financial assistance (such as transfer scholarships) might be available? If you meet the qualifications, consider joining an organization like Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) to qualify for additional scholarhip opportunities.
Transfer of Credits: How many of your previously completed credits will transfer? Thanks to a statewide transfer articulation matrix and a multitude of transfer agreements between NTCC and area universities, there are more options than ever to ensure a seamless transfer of credits.
Student Support: What types of resources are available at the university to support your success? Consider resources such as tutoring, advising, counseling, career services and other needed resources.
Fit: Is the university and program of choice the right “fit”? Can you see yourself thriving at the university based on its culture, environment, and values?
NTCC is here to support your success and help you build your future. We encourage you to meet with a student success coach and your assigned faculty advisor to discuss your transfer options. Through the Louisiana Transfer Degree program and our University Transfer Pathways webpage, we have resources to help you develop a plan for successful transfer.
You’ll also want to consider meeting with an advisor or transfer counselor at the university level. While our advisors bring a wealth of knowledge to the table, university advisors/counselors can help strengthen your plan and resolve any unanswered questions.
For more information about advising at NTCC, visit our Student Success Coaching and our Academic Advising webpages
Helpful Links:
Once you’ve decided which university you’d like to attend, you’ll want to complete an application for admissions with the university and send your official NTCC transcript (plus transcripts from any other colleges you’ve attended in the past). You may be asked to submit other documentation in addition to your transcript. You will also want to add the the correct code for the university you are transferring to on your FAFSA application for financial aid considerations.
Each university usually has transfer admissions requirements posted on their website. Prior to applying, be sure to review requirement such as: minimum GPA, minimum number of completed credits, testing scores (such as ACT). Even if you’ve confirmed you are eligible to transfer, you’ll want to be on the look-out for an official acceptance notification from the university after you apply. Some programs may require an additional application. Even though you are admitted as a student at the university, you may need to complete an additional application for certain competitive programs (ex: nursing).
Click here to Order a Transcript from NTCC to be sent to another institution.
As a transfer student, the evaluation of your transcripts is a very important step in the university transfer process. You’ll want to ensure that you get as much credit towards your degree plan as possible. Be sure to meet with an advisor both at NTCC and at the university to review which courses were accepted at the university and how they fit into your degree plan. In some cases, you may need to advocate for certain courses to be accepted if they are not automatically transferred. This process may include providing a course description and/or syllabus for review.
Once you have confirmed acceptance from the university, it’s time to celebrate your accomplishment! Check to see if the university has a special transfer orientation or advising session for you to attend. Work with your university advisor to enroll in to courses for the next semester. If you are transferring from NTCC prior to completing an associate’s degree, keep in mind that you can still qualify to complete the degree by finishing out the requirements at the university (“reverse transfer”). Meet with an NTCC advisor to discuss your new degree plan and see how you can transfer university courses back to NTCC to be awarded an associate’s degree while you continue to make progress on your bachelor’s degree.
Congratulations on your accomplishment!
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