Frequently Asked Questions
How can I register for a test?
In order to register for an exam, you may visit the website of the specific exam. In some cases you are able to schedule and pay for the exam through the test product’s website. In other cases you may need to also contact to schedule and pay for exams and /or the administrative fee. Proctored exams usually require agreements between our college’s testing center personnel and the home institution. Once the agreements are in place, scheduling of proctored exams can begin.
How much will it cost?
The costs of exams will vary based on the exam being given. Please refer to the testing vendor to inquire about the cost of various exams. The administration fee for proctored tests is $30.
What should I bring on Test Day?
A valid government issued ID is required. Cell phones are not permitted in the Testing Center. Depending upon the particular exam given, calculators may or may not be permitted. The exact items needed for test day is outlined by the specific test that is being administered. All testers are advised to dress in layers for personal comfort.
Are Refunds Available?
Testing Candidates must inquire with the testing vendor to inquire about refunds and or rescheduling exams with the exception of proctoring. For proctoring only. Testing Center fees are non-refundable. Proctored exams can be rescheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance by contacting Our proctoring policy is provided for potential examinees review before proctoring services are conducted.
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