Institutional Research
Institutional Research is an integral part of the institutional planning and evaluation process. The Institutional Research and Effectiveness Office collects, analyzes, maintains and disseminates reliable and timely data. This information is used to support the decision-making process and planning needs of both academic and administrative units across the College. This includes the following:
- Annual reporting to state and federal agencies
- Compiling key institutional data reports that facilitate accreditation compliance
- Supporting program review and other internal assessments
- Coordinating the survey management process, to include course evaluations
- Responding to internal and external data requests
- Ensuring data integrity
Quick Facts
Note: Data represents an unduplicated headcount of the actual number of individual students enrolled at NTCC each semester. Within a given semester, students may be enrolled in one or more classes, but they are counted only once. The data may be filtered by semester, campus, division (based on College Catalog listings) and student type. Other race category includes Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; and Two or More Races student groups. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: BOR SSPS End of Semester Frozen Enrollment Report
Note: Data represent the summed number of student credit hours (SCH) taken during a given semester. To determine SCH by campus, the course campus code was used (SFRSTCR_CAMP_CODE). To determine SCH by program, the course subject code was used. The Sullivan Campus data includes both Youthbuild and Rayburn Correctional Center. FTE represents a full-time equivalent student enrollment count and is a calculation estimating how many students would be attending if all were enrolled on a full-time basis. Term FTE is the sum of credits carried by all students in a given semester, divided by the number of credits (determined by the institution) as a full-time load during that particular term. During a fall or spring semester, 12 credit hours is considered one undergraduate FTE. During a summer term, 6 credit hours is considered one undergraduate FTE. The data may be filtered by term, campus, student type, division (based on College Catalog listings), and major. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: BOR SSPS End of Semester Frozen Enrollment Report
Note: Data represents an unduplicated headcount of the actual number of individual students enrolled at NTCC within an academic year (summer leading, fall, and spring terms). Within a given year, students may be enrolled in one or more classes, terms, or programs of study but they are counted only once. To ensure that students who change majors during the academic year are only counted once, the program of study is recorded for the last term the student was enrolled during the academic year. Other demographic information such as the students' type, age, and campus location are based on the first term enrolled. The data may be filtered by academic year, campus, division (based on College Catalog listings) and student type. Traditional student type has been coded to include First Time Freshmen, Continuing, Returning, and Transfer students. Other race category includes Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; Two or More Races student groups. program is study is recorded as of the last semester that student was enrolled during the academic year. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: IPEDS 12 Month Enrollment Survey
Note: Data represent the summed number of student credit hours (SCH) taken during a given academic year. To determine SCH by campus, the course campus code was used (SFRSTCR_CAMP_CODE). To determine SCH by program, the course subject code was used. The Sullivan Campus data includes both Youthbuild and Rayburn Correctional Center. FTE represents a full-time equivalent student enrollment count and is a calculation estimating how many students would be attending if all were enrolled on a full-time basis. Annual FTE is the sum of credits carried by all students in a given year, divided by 30 (or the total number of credits determined by the institution as a full-time load (summer:6; fall: 12; spring; 12). During an academic year, 30 undergraduate credit hours is considered one undergraduate FTE. The data may be filtered by year, campus, student type, division (based on College Catalog listings), and major. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: IPEDS 12 Month Enrollment Survey
Note: Data represents the percentage of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students enrolled in a given fall term who completed a credential (e.g. certificate, diploma, associate degree) within 150% of normal time to completion. 150% of normal time to completion is based on the estimated length of time it would take a student enrolled full-time to complete a specific credential type. For example, students earning an Associate credential are estimated to complete that credential within 2 years (= 100% of normal time to completion). Therefore, a student earning an Associate degree would be counted as completing within 150% of normal time to completion if they earned the credential within 3 years of the cohort year. Once a student is in the cohort they remain in the cohort even if their enrollment status changes to part-time or they drop out or transfer out of the institution. As such, students who transfer to another institution or leave to obtain employment prior to completing a credential count as a non-completer. The data may be filtered by cohort year, sex, race/ethnicity, age, low-income status, campus, and division (based on College catalog listings). Other race category includes Hispanic; Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; Two or More Races student groups. Traditional age has been coded to include students 24 years of age and younger; Non-traditional age has been coded to include students 25 years of age and older. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: IPEDS Graduation Rates (150%) Survey
Note: Data represents the number of credentials awarded to students enrolled at NTCC within a given year (summer leading, fall, and spring terms). This number is duplicated; meaning that a student may have been awarded more than one credential within a given program within an academic year. The data may be filtered by academic year, sex, race/ethnicity, campus, division (based on College catalog listings) and program of study. Lacombe campus data includes Connect to Success Site completion data. Sullivan campus includes both Youthbuild and Rayburn Correctional Center completion data. Other race category includes Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; Two or More Races student groups. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
TCA = Technical Competency Area
CTC = Career and Technical Certificate
Source: IPEDS Completions Survey
Note: Data represents the number of students who were awarded a credential within a given year (summer leading, fall, and spring terms). This number is unduplicated; meaning that a student is counted only once regardless of how many credentials were earned within an academic year. The highest credential earned during that academic year is the credential that is counted once. If the student earned mulitple awards at their higest exit level (e.g. mulitple CTC awards), the award earned during their last term enrolled is counted. The data may be filtered by academic year, sex, race/ethnicity, campus, division (based on College catalog listings) and program of study. Lacombe campus data includes Connect to Success Site completion data. Sullivan campus includes both Youthbuild and Rayburn Correctional Center completion data. Other race category includes Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; Two or More Races student groups. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
TCA = Technical Competency Area
CTC = Career and Technical Certificate
Source: BOR SSPS End of Semester Frozen Completers Report
Note: Data represents the percentage of first-time, degree seeking students enrolled during a given fall semester who returned to the College in the following fall semester. Students who completed their program of study are considered returners in the retention rate calculation. The data may be filtered by semester, full/part-time status, sex, race/ethnicity, age, campus, division (based on College catalog listings) and program of study. Demographic information such as the students' sex, race/ethnicity, age, program of study and campus location is based on the first term enrolled. Other race category includes Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; Two or More Races; Unknown student groups. Traditional age represent students aged 24 or below; non-traditional aged students represent students aged 25 or older. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey
Note: Data represent the percentage of first-time, degree seeking students enrolled during a given fall semester who returned to the College in the following spring semester. Students who transferred to another institution are excluded from the retention rate calculation. The data may be filtered by semester, full/part-time status, sex, race/ethnicity, age, campus, division (based on College catalog listings) and program of study. Demographic information based on fall term enrolled. Other race category includes Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; Foreign; Two or More Races; Unknown student groups. Traditional age represent students aged 24 or below; non-traditional aged students represent students aged 25 or older. This dashboard has been created from frozen end of semester data files. Frozen data is data that has been preserved to provide a snapshot in time of critical metrics which serve to represent permanent, official data of the College. As such, any data requests that have been generated from active data files may possibly report slightly higher or lower counts than what is displayed in dashboard. If you have any questions about this data, email
Source: State Operational Plan
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