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Southeastern Louisiana University

Southeastern is Louisiana’s third-largest public university, offering more than 150 programs of study, including associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. With its personal attention to students and a close-knit community of engaged learners, Southeastern offers the benefits of a university environment that has that small town college feel. Southeastern is passionate about student success by providing a challenging college experience that empowers students with a well-rounded, lifelong education. (Via Southeastern Louisiana University Admissions)

Quick Facts:

Transfer Agreements

Northshore Technical Community College and Southeastern Louisiana University have partnered to offer transfer pathways (or transfer articulation agreements) related to speciifc majors/degrees at SLU. View the pathways, by program, below.

Articulation Agreements by Major:

Honors Pathway Agreement

This pathway establishes a partnership between Southeastern Louisiana University and NTCC to promote educational excellence, faciliatate seamless transfer pathways, and enhance opportunities for students to engage in honors education.

Board of Regents matrixLouisiana Master Course Articulation Matrix:

Numerous course transfer equivalency agreements exist among Louisiana's postsecondary institutions. Review the statewide course articulation list at the following link:

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