Student Login Information Guide
Please click on the "+" sign below to expand the guides below:
LOLA (Log On Louisiana) is a powerful new online tool that will allow you to completely manage your college career. Use LoLA to monitor your financial aid application, register for classes review your class schedule, and more.
- Go to and select the LOLA link on the homepage.
- Click on the CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD button
- Click on the GET STARTED button
- Enter your SSN and Date of Birth, click CONTINUE button
- Make sure you write down your LoLA Username that is diplayed
- Check the “Yes, this is the username I use to log on to LoLA” box and click CONTINUE button
- Enter your NEW PASSWORD and CONFIRM PASSWORD and then click CHANGE PASSWORD button
- Click LOG ON TO LOLA button
- Finally, enter your User Name and Password, then click the SIGN IN button
Need Help? Call the Support Line at 1-844-465-2827
Our Canvas Learning Managementt System (LMS) digitizes class content delivery, make time for greater faculty/student interaction in the classroom and online. Student taking online courses for the first time are required to view the Canvas Student Orientation prior to the start of class.
Canvas Student Orientation website: Student taking face-to-face classes are encouraged to complete the Canvas Student Orientation. Instructors may use Canvas to post course syllabus, announcements, assignments, quizzes, tests, exams, grades, and other important information.
- Go to or to and click on the Canvas link on the homepage.
- Click the LOG IN TO CANVAS button
- Enter your LoLA Username and Password and click Log In button
NOTICE: If you are taking an online course, please download the Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor by clicking on the link located at the bottom of the Canvas page.
Need Help? Call Canvas Support Hotline at 1-844-408-6456. Open 24/7
Students are assigned an official NTCC email address usually within a few days after they have registered with the College.
- All students will need to reset their email password with the Password Reset Tool before logging in to their College email account for the first time.
- Go to or click on the Password Reset Tool icon located in the GatorMail section on the College website.
- Click on the Reset Password link. Your Domain User Name is the SAME as your LoLA Username.
- Follow the directions to reset your email password and then return to the College website and click on the GatorMail link at the top of the page.
- Click on the GatorMail Login icon or Link
- Enter your full student email address
(Your student email username is the same as your LoLA Username +
NOTICE: Your student email password is NOT the same as your LoLA or Canvas password.
Need Help? Click on the "HelpDesk" link on our College website.
At the start of each semester, students are provided a college-issued print credit, in an amount of $2. Students will also be able to add funds to their account to print additional pages when needed. The cost of black and white printing is 10 cents per single-sided page and the cost of color printing is 25 cents per single-sided page. Please use your College email username and password when the print prompt displays on the screen.
Please visit the following links below for instructions:
- How to Print with GatorPrint
- How to Associate Student ID Card on Copier
- How to Make Copies using GatorPrint
- How to Check Your GatorPrint Account Balance
- How to Add Funds to Your GatorPrint Account
NOTICE: Make sure you reset your student email password using the Password Reset Tool before trying to print.
Need Help? Click on the "HelpDesk" link on our College website.
Students are granted access to NTCC Wi-Fi while on campus. Select and connect to the following wireless network at your campus.
SSID Name: NTCC Guest
Password: gogators
For futher information, please see this knowledgebase article:
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