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9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Castine Center 
63350 Pelican Dr.
Mandeville, LA 70448

Video of 2023 Information Technology Summit
The Advanced Technology Summit at Northshore Technical Community College will be held from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM on February 20, 2025, at the Castine Center in Mandeville. 
Our Mission:

The mission of the AT Summit is to empower and inspire the next generation of technology professionals by providing a dynamic platform that showcases student talent, fosters career and employment opportunities, and delivers enriching workshops. We are committed to connecting students with industry leaders, nurturing their technical skills, and igniting their passion for innovation.

Through collaborative learning, networking, and exposure to cutting-edge technologies, our conference aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, equipping students with the knowledge, experiences, and connections they need to thrive in the ever-evolving field of Advanced Technology. Together, we envision a future where students can confidently pursue their career aspirations, make a positive impact, and shape the future of technology.

Our Goals: 

The AT Summit is focused on showcasing student talent, career and employment opportunities.

  • Foster Collaboration, Networking and Informative Workshops
  • Inspire and Motivate Students
  • Showcase Student Talent
  • Promote Career and Employment Opportunities

We are expecting up to 1,000 participants including NTCC students and alumni, as well as area high school students who are interested in pursuing a career in Advanced Technology. Participants can expect informative presentations about trends in advanced technology, opportunities to develop their skills, and tips for finding a job they will love.  

The AT Summit will feature a showcase of student projects that demonstrate advanced technology, innovation and collaborative learning.  
Exhibitor registration is required. 

Sponsor and exhibitor registration:

Advanced Technology companies, professional organizations, and others who hire technology professionals are invited to participate as sponsors and exhibitors.

Please reserve your sponsorship by January 15th to ensure your company will be included in the program and other event collateral!

Platinum Sponsors enjoy premium visibility and marketing benefits.

  • Prominent logo placement on signage throughout venue
  • Full-page ad in AT Summit program
  • Reserved booth space in preferred location (20x20 space).
  • $10,000 ($8,000 before 1/15/2025)

Gold Sponsor

  • Logo placement on signage throughout the venue
  • 1/2-page ad in AT Summit program
  • Reserved booth space in preferred location (10x20 space).
  • $2,500 ($2,000 before 1/15/2025)

Silver Sponsor

  • Logo placement on signage throughout the venue
  • 1/4-page ad in the AT Summit program
  • Reserved booth space (10x10)
  • $1,000 ($800 before 1/15/2025)

Exhibitor Booth

  • Company name on signage throughout the venue and in the AT Summit program
  • Business card ad in the AT Summit program
  • Reserved booth space (10x10)
  • $500 ($400 before 1/15/2025)

All levels will enjoy complimentary lunch and beverages. The Castine Center will be open for setup from 1pm - 5pm the afternoon before the AT Summit.

Contact Info:
Mary Slazer
Executive Director of Advancement and Community Relations

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