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WorkReadyU / Adult Education/HSE / ESL

Welcome to Northshore Tech’s WorkReadyU / Adult Education!

Congratulations on taking the first step in meeting your personal, academic,and career goals. We serve area residents, just like you, by building academic skills, literacy skills, and preparing you to earn your high school equivalency. Our FREE classes are offered to qualified students at our locations in Bogalusa, Covington, Franklinton, Greensburg, Hammond, Lacombe, and Slidell.  It is time to take that next step on your journey and we are ready to help you find success and achieve your goals.

Services Available: Adult Education, High School Equivalency, College & Career Pathways

Choose the parish where you'd like to attend to register for testing/orientation:

ESL Classes are in development, please check back with us.

Want to earn industry based certifications or college credit while pursuing your high school equivalency? Ask us about the College and Career Pathways. Email us and Put College and Career Pathways in the Subject line. 

HiSET Prep Questions? Send an email or call 1-(985) 545-1500 and ask for Adult Education. 

HiSET Testing Center Questions? Send an email

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