Youth Camps
Special Note: The health and safety of students, faculty/staff and the general public is our top priority. NTCC is following guidance from state and local officials as we monitor the situation with COVID-19. While we prefer to offer camps in-person, this summer's camps will be offered online only. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide timely updates to help parents/guardians stay informed.
July 2020 Camps
Dates: July 6-9, 2020
Audience: Students entering 5th-8th grade this fall
Times: Live from 8:30 am - Noon*
*Online resources remain accessible through August 31, 2020.
Cost: $100.00
Format: Online. Instructors will use interactive online instructional tools to guide campers through activities and conduct virtual tours. A camp T-shirt and supplies for activities will be shipped to the registrant's address.
Description: Astro Camp® encourages students to explore STEM with hands-on problem-based activities. Campers learn about the history of spaceflight and current and future NASA projects; including the Artemis mission. Design a sustainable moon base, try aeroponic gardening, build maglev trains, test solar ovens, launch rockets and observe the sky with a telescope kit! Campers who have access to a smart phone or tablet can also use augmented reality (AR) to explore the moon and planets. The camp culminates with a live streamed model rocket launch.
Maritime Camp Online
Dates: July 13-16, 2020
Audience: Students entering 6-9th grade this fall
Times: Live from 8:30 am - Noon*
*Online resources remain accessible through August 31, 2020.
Cost: $100.00
Format: Online. Instructors will use an interactive online instructional tools to guide campers through activities and conduct virtual tours. Camp supplies and T-shirt will be shipped to the registrant's address.
Description: Escape to STEM: Maritime! introduces students to maritime life--on water and shoreside. Activities include knot tying, water and fire safety, boat hull design, introduction to radar, signaling and transport and stevedoring. The camp culminates with a livestream of a Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) launch into Lake Pontchartrain.
Register for Life Science Today!
Life Science Camp Online
Dates: July 20-23, 2020
Audience: students entering 6th-9th grade this fall
Online Times: Live from 8:30 am - Noon*
*Online resources remain accessible through August 31, 2020.
Cost: $100.00
Includes, supplies for activities shipped to the child's address, a camp T-shirt, live instruction on Canvas and themed virtual tours.
Format: Online. Instructors will use interactive online instructional tools to guide campers through activities and conduct virtual tours. A camp T-shirt and supplies for activities will be shipped to the registrant's address.
Description: Life Science Camp explores microbiology, the food supply and our rich local ecology. Beginning with activities in food production, campers explore hands-on activities in precision farming, food safety and growing an indoor aeroponic garden. Next, they will explore animal science, toxins and disease detection, including the science behind COVID-19. Virtual tours from farms to processing facilities to kitchens broaden campers' experience of the world of modern food production. Campers will also participate in live video chats and discussion boards with experts in the many career paths of life science; including animal science, environmental biology, microbiology, veterinary medicine and food safety. The camp culminates when campers and instructors share images and video of their own neighborhood ecosystems.
STEAM Camp with Dr. Renee Horton
Dates: July 27-30, 2020
Audience: Students entering 3rd-7th grade this fall
Times: Live from 8:30 am - Noon*
*Online resources remain accessible through August 31, 2020.
Cost: $100.00
Format: Online. Instructors will use an interactive online instructional tools to guide campers through activities and conduct virtual tours. Camp supplies and T-shirt will be shipped to the registrant's address.
Description: Dr. Renee Horton is a world-class scientist at NASA who is responosible for projects like the Vertical Assemply Center. Dr. Horton works to "make science accessible to children, show African-American kids they can succeed in scientific fields, and teach children about diversity" via a series of children's books and other media. Dr. Horton will lead STEAM Camp participants online through explorations featuring a component of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) each day. In addition to the activities listed below, camp participants will receive a paperback copy of "Dr. H Explores the Universe from Jupiter to Uranus," a Dr. H stuffed toy, an activities kit, and a camp t-shirt. Camp activities include:
Monday (Art) - Who are you in STEAM?
Tuesday (Engineering & Math) - Engineering of Artemis
Wednesday (Science & Math) - Be a Scientist Today
Thursday (Technology & Math) - Build a Robotic Hand
August 2020
Math Boot Camp for incoming NTCC students (Coming Soon!)
Audience: Students entering NTCC this fall
Times: Live from 8:30 am - Noon*
*Online resources remain accessible through August 31, 2020.
Cost: TBA
Format: Online. Instructors will use an interactive online instructional tools to guide students.
Description: This bootcamp helps student boost math skills and prepare for the Accuplacer Math Exam. Students will use webquests and project based learning to better understand where math concepts are used and how to break down complicated problems into simplified steps.
For more information, contact 985-545-1500.
NTCC is an equal opportunity institution and is dedicated to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment or training. Qualified students, applicants, or employees will not be excluded from any course or activity because of age, race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, or disability. All students have equal rights to counseling and training. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Northshore Technical Community College Title IX Coordinator, Christy Montgomery.Phone: 985-545-1239. Email: christymontgomery@northshorecollege.edu
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